Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Dear Texas,

I do not live on the equator. I live north of the equator. In fact, Austin is what I would call "significantly" north of the equator. You seem to have forgotten this fact.

It is December. Let's spell that out...D-E-C-E-M-B-E-R. Good! Actually, it is MID-December...The 19th to be exact. Do you know what mid-December means? It means snow. It means Christmas. It means cold weather...or at least kind of cool. It does not mean highs in the mid-70s to low-80s. It does not mean beach weather where I could walk around in a tank top and shorts. December means sweaters and fuzzy slippers and lots of blankets at night. I should not have to use my air conditioner, for goodness sakes!

Texas, I gave you a break in November...I mean, it's not really winter yet. And even though I was kind of peeved that it was really warm on Halloween in October, I realize that we live closer to the equator than our friend, Colorado. But gosh darn it, I want it to feel like Christmas around here!

I've been trying my best. I've made hundreds of sugar cookies (okay, maybe only 72) and thousands of gingerbread men (or really only like 60) and I'm cooking chili (which smells deliciously good) and I've listened to Sleigh Ride and Silver Bells more times than I want to acknowledge. But something about all that doesn't mesh well when my weatherman tells me, "It's gonna be a warm one, today, folks!" I don't want it to be a warm one, folks. I want it to be a cold one.

So get your act together. Get all buddy buddy with Wisconsin or Michigan or Colorado. Learn what COLD means. And do it.



LL said...

Hahaha- as I dug my car out from 8 inches of snow and ice this morning, I must admit I felt a little longing for Texas. But Chicago does look gorgeous covered in fluffy snow and twinkling Christmas lights; it really feels like the holidays. Now, if only the snow and freezing temperatures would all go away after January...

d.kunz said...

ya know, I'd trade you for that weather ANYday! Its unbelievable cold here, especially at night. I love cold back home, I really do. I like long sleeves and sweaters and thick socks myself. But when you have to work and its 3AM and you can't move because your layers are mini and your stomach is empty and the coffee is spent... I tell ya, I'll take 60s & 70s all winter long.

Anonymous said...

Libby you make me laugh! i completely agree with you though... we are having such 'nice' weather lately and NO snow! i actually have a skirt and boots on today which means that it is warm enough for bare legs (well sorta) ... 50 degrees =o) haha yeah i would love some snow too! hopefully soon! hey, you'll be heading to Emporia soon and then you'll get your fix for colder weather! ahhh... i am sad i won't be there with you! =o(