Sunday, December 30, 2007

My second baby...

Most of you guys know how attached I am to my dogs. They are like my children - not exaggerating at all! I spoil them rotten and treat them better than some people get treated.

Anyways...I've been wanting another dachshund for a LONG since we brought Riley home ;) But I haven't quite gotten Greg to go for it until just recently. I reminded him that we're moving out of our apartment in 6ish months and if we get a puppy now, that would give us 6 months of potty training time in an apartment where the carpet is already ruined by our first baby.

We got back from Kansas on Thursday night and I started searching the internet for puppies. I found an ad in the paper for some older puppies - 3 and 4 months old and decided to go check them out. We drove all the way down to Wimberly, TX...which is really only like an hour or so away to see a puppy they were calling "U-Turn" because she had broken her tail when she was just a couple weeks old and now it curls over at the tip. Of course, I had my mind made up that we were coming home with her before we got there ;) And we did!

Her new name is Samantha, aka Sammy, and she is a 4 month old black and tan piebald miniature dachshund...she is SO different looking from Riley, but precious and adorable in her own way. She weighs about 6 pounds right now, but she'll probably only gain about 4 more pounds and be right around Riley's size. She and Riley are getting along really well. Sammy likes Riley a little more than Riley likes her, but they're playing well together. They really love tug-of-war :)

So here are pictures of my late Christmas present...MANY more to come soon, I promise!


d.kunz said...

those dogs are freakin' adorable... not as adorable as Greg rolling around on the ground, but adorable none the less!

Anonymous said...

Sammy is very cute! i had no clue what she was going to look like when you were explaining her on the phone! haha... she's very cute! is she getting used to you all and fitting into the family? =o)