Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Things I've Learned in Six Months

I was going to post this yesterday, since yesterday was our six month anniversary (insert "awwww" here)...but I got so darn busy with school and quizzes, and more school that I didn't even get on the computer until I got home at 10:00...and then I was just too tired and lazy. But I'm not now!! So here is a list of things I've learned in the last six amazingly wonderful months.

1. Stealing covers and being a bed-hog in a King size bed isn't something to brag about.

2. Husband never gets anywhere on wife's clock. His clock runs 10-15 minutes behind wife's...Wife is of the school of thought that if you're early, you're on time...if you're on time, you're late...and if you're late, you shouldn't even bother showing up. Husband is of the school of thought that 5 minutes late is "fashionably" late. And this will drive wife nuts.

3. Do not eat everything husband eats. You will get fat. And then you'll complain about getting fat, and husband doesn't particularly like complaining.

4. Hints don't work. If wife wants kitchen cleaned, wife must say, "Husband, please clean the kitchen while I'm gone." Otherwise, it is not fair for wife to get mad at husband when she specifically said before she left, "Oh, I really wish the kitchen was cleaned!"

5. Wife's need for sleep on weeknights isn't recognized, although husband's need to sleep-in late on weekends better be recognized or a fight might ensue.

6. The nights when wife is the most tired and just wants to go to sleep the most will be the nights when husband gets crabby about wife's in-bed-at-9-so-wife-can-be-up-at-5 policy and will pick a fight with her.

7. A gallon of milk for the week isn't enough. Sometimes two isn't even enough. (and wife doesn't drink milk).

8. If wife makes even a teensy-tiny mess, husband will harass her about it.

9. Husband will set alarm at 6:30 when he needs to be up at 7...and then let it go off...and off...and off...and off. This will drive wife NUTS!

10. Every once in awhile, husband will do something really sweet like bring home flowers, or write a sweet note...and this makes wife smile.

I love ya sweetie ;) Those are all in good fun...even though every single one of them is true and you know it! For all others...sorry for the sappy/sarcastic entry. Back to business tomorrow as usual.

L is for the way you look tonight,

1 comment:

d.kunz said...

i hereby mark this the most entertaining blog I've ever read... and knowing you and Gregimus, I'm certain it was one of the most entertaining ever lived!

By the way, I could've told you that about the milk. When Greg and I lived together, did you ever notice that there were 4 gallons of milk in the fridge? 1 for me, 1 for Gurgle-Pie (ask him), 1 for Steven... and 1 for Renee, actually