Thursday, September 20, 2007

In Awe :)

I'm so sorry I've been slacking lately on posting. There has been SO much going on and God is simply amazing :)

And of course, I really don't have time to write tonight either because Greg is going out of town on Sunday for four whole nights, so once I get my homework done we're going to actually sit down and talk without the TV on...what a novel concept!

I would appreciate prayer...lots of it! I have a possible opportunity to work with/for the guy who photographed our wedding. I really, really need direction because I know that this is what I want...but I don't know for sure that this is what God wants yet. It would be so great to learn photography from him...and it would mean I could possibly do photography as a business/job later in life (meaning I wouldn't have to be a complete stay at home mom...I could have some form of income coming in!)...but it also means Saturday's away from home. And we're newlyweds. And well...those our our days together. They are our days to be lazy, to sleep in, to clean, to watch movies, and of course to watch Grey's Anatomy on DVD (because I force my poor husband to do this with me ;)) But at the same time it is something that I wasn't looking for in the least, and Allen is like this amazing photographer. He could teach me so much. So yes...please, please pray for me :)

And just a humongous praise to God. We have found a church, and in the two and a half weeks that we have been going there I feel more connected than I did in eleven years at The Fellowship. That is huge for me...I feel like I'm finally on my way to having a community of believers surround me in friendship and love. We went to a COM group on Tuesday night and we just fit so well. God is good.

That's all for tonight.

In Christ,

1 comment:

:0) said...

i actually talked to your mom yesterday and she mentioned the offer from Allen... i just have to say that it is an awesome opportunity and whether you decide to take it or not, it's still awesome for you to see that there are definitely options for a future stay at home mom =o) hahaaa... you have no idea how many people ask me when the babies are gonna start coming and who is going to have them first! it's amusing to say the least! what do you think??? *wink**** anyways, i will for sure be praying that God gives you direction and that you would know His will for the job with Allen.

ahhh... i wish i lived closer so that you didn't have to be alone while Greg is out of town! someday...when we retire together, remember?

i love you so incredibly much Libby!
let's for sure talk this weekend!