Monday, October 15, 2007

What's wrong with me?

I can't really figure out what's wrong with me. I've been in such a funk lately about running. I haven't run for over a week (which is going to KILL me when it comes time to run 12 miles on Saturday...I can feel it). I just can't seem to get myself motivated to actually go out there and run. It's always been something I've enjoyed doing, and I'm sure once I got out there running I'd be fine. But it's the actually getting my butt out the door part that I've been having trouble with lately.

I really want to get in 3 runs this week so that I'm not absolutely dying on Saturday. I can't tomorrow because I work all day and then we have COM group. Wednesday I WILL run in the morning, Thursday I WILL run after work, and Friday I WILL run after class.

Please hold me accountable.

On another note...please say a prayer for this family tonight. I've been following their saga (it starts about three pages back) for a few weeks and I just feel awful for them. I know that since I don't know them personally, I can't say that they're definitely innocent, but I feel in my heart that they are (and I can't imagine anyone taking the time out to write about such a hard topic if they were guilty). So just keep them in your prayers tonight.

I will run. I will run. I will run. I will run.

1 comment:

:0) said...

nothing is wrong with you Libby! some weeks are harder than others! you will get started again here and you'll get back in your groove. =o)

you should come up with some fun purpose for running. like pick someone or something and pray for them/it as you are running. or just spend the time talking with God. that way instaed of letting your mind run wild you can be focused and really enjoy your time... and maybe not want it to end! =o)

*you'll have to be prepared for people to think your crazy though. when they see you talking to yourself and all! i love God's sense of humor and have been caught many times with people staring at me like i was mental... the way i laugh =o) God loves it!

i miss YOU girl! hope your week is amazing! LAUGH OUT LOUD!